Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Where The Hell Did My Groove Go?

 Oh GROOVE...Where are you?  I had it...about 2-3 weeks ago.  My groove that is.  I was feeling really good on all my runs, was looking forward to all my runs!  I had even lightened up that little voice in my head that says: "you aren't hydrated enough to run", "I had a long day and I'm tired"...no voice...I just wanted to run.
Where the hell did that go?  I don't remember letting it go.  I don't remember putting it down somewhere or leaving in the bottom of some purse I won't use for months.  So...I don't know where it went.

I am feeling BLAH!!!

I missed my long run last weekend for a REALLY good reason.  Paul's 20 in 24 race where he ran 101 miles.  I was really freaking tired too from crewing for 30+ hours...so I thought it was a good thing.

Then the heat and humidity started last week.  Running 3 miles felt like swimming through hot soup.  It sucked and it wasn't at ALL fun.

Then I skipped my long run this weekend too.  NOT for a really good reason.  I mean, we had houseguests all weekend, and Hsin-Hua's big birthday bash...so lots of stuff going on.  Our house has also gotten insanely out of control since we haven't been home any weekend since about May for more than a few hours.  I felt like it was caving in on me.  So I skipped my run to get stuff done around the house.  Felt good to get all that done, and the house looks great , but also felt really bad and guilty about my run.  I ended up doing a 3 mile treadmill run that night to salvage my mental state at least.

This 100 degree + heat and horrid humidity make me want to run about as much as I want to set my hair on fire.  THIS SUCKS!!!

I also have on my schedule to do my longest run to date.  My training run for the last 2 weekends was supposed to be my first distance longer than a half.  I am not intentionally or consciously psyching myself out about it...but maybe my sub-conscious is?  I mean, I know it will feel really good to break that barrier, but it is also a little scary.  The unknown.  The "can I do it"?  I mean, I can run a half marathon (slow as sh*t) with no problem.  Seriously...piece of cake.  I don't know why 15, 16 or 17 miles would feel so scary.  Its only a few more miles.  Who knows, maybe that isn't my problem. 

I don't know what the hell my problem is, but I need to pull myself out of it.

10 weeks until Steamtown...10 weeks until 26.2 miles.
I gotta get moving. 

Recommendations are welcome for getting re-motivated to run my longest distance, get over the sluggish feeling of the heat and humidity and get my a** in gear?  I HAVE to do a 16 mile run this weekend no matter what or I am really off schedule for my marathon!  HELP!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. turn off your brain. and run at the crack of dawn. 5am. worked for me.
