Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"I Told You That B*tch Was Crazy"

Yeah...the crazy b*tch would be my husband...he ran 101 miles in 24 hours this past weekend.  I guess you could also call me a crazy b*tch since I crewed for him for over 30 hours, slept in the middle of Philadelphia in a cot and allowed him to run 101 miles in 24 hours...but whatever.

Before I commence with the pictures...let me just say that this was a FREAKING cool event.  The event itself and the fact that hundreds of people come out to run alone, or in the relays for 24 hours is amazing.  The charity it raises funds for, Back on My Feet which gets homeless people out running to help them build self esteem and confidence is amazing.  The people who came by to offer support and company while we were there for 30+ hours are amazing.  My Dad and Step-Mom who kept us company, helped pack and crew, and helped with Hsin are amazing.  The pacers who ran with Paul for HOURS, some in the middle of the night, and are the reason that he was able to push himself and reach the goal of 100 miles are amazing.  And most of all, my husband, who never took a break longer than 10 minutes, and RAN for 24 hours straight for a total of over 100 miles...IS F*CKING AMAZING!!!

I thought about telling some crazy a** stories from the day, like the relay guy who came over by my tent and did the most intense ab workout I have ever seen, on the grass before going out for his loop (WTF)...but I really don't want to distract from what the day really was about.  The HUGE accomplishment that my Pauly P, the love of my life had this weekend.  He has crossed that threshold into the club of people who have and can run 100 miles all at once.  I am beyond proud and that is all this post should be about.  Please...if you read this...leave a comment for Pauly P!!!

(BTW...I know I said in the previous post leading up to this race that I was going to pace Paul for 17 miles...I didn't.  We thought his pace would be such that my pace would be perfect to keep him going.  Somehow he was super human this weekend and his pace for 24 hours was actually still too fast for me to keep up with.  Had I paced him, I would have slowed him down, and he wouldn't have reached 100 I stepped out and let the faster guys that were able and willing to run with him take him to his goal!  My contribution to the goal was as crew only, not as pacer.)
Here are the pictures that cronicle the day.

 View from our tent at about 6am on Saturday.  We were right near all the sponsors and within only a few feet of the start/loop/finish.  I am no f*cking joke when I crew.  I got downright beligerent with peeps to secure this prime spot.
 This was our tent and Paul's pit stop for the next 30 hours.  It seriously was pretty sweet for a tent.  We had 2 coolers with fruit salad, sandwiches, pasta salad, candy, chips, granola bars, soda, water, gatorade, a full first aid, shower stuff, changes of clothes, comfy chairs, ice, a cot and blankets, privacy and a great view of the river.
 We were right on the Schyukill River at Boat House Row in Philly.
 If you ignored all the goose was lovely.
 Down river a ways...what we referred to as "tent city".  Compared to the sardines those folks were...we had prime real estate.
 Pauly P chillin before the start.
 Right before heading out for the start.  Looks nice and fresh huh?  I wish I took time lapse pictures :-)
 Lead bike at the start
 Pauly P all smiles, heading out on the first of many 8.4 mile loops over the next 24 hours.

 Runners would check in at every loop and could step off the course to hit their tent for food, water, changes of clothes and rest.

 Coming into base camp after the first loop.
 Hsin-Hua eating chips and anxiously awaiting Daddy's next loop to come through.  Her shirt says "someday I'll run with Daddy".
 What a little stinker.
 Wait...who brought the naked baby?  Real classy!!! (Hsin had decided it was a good idea to up-end an entire bottle of bubbles onto her she was naked while her clothing dried in the sun).
 Coming in after another loop.
 Rob...kick a** pacer #1...stuck it out for 3 loops with Paul that started in day light and ended in the dark of night!!!  Rob's kick a** wife and two boys hung at the tent with me for the whole time too!!!  Out on the course, Paul and Rob were called "the green team".  Totally not even planned.
 After the first loop with Rob...this is about 8 or so hours into the are off so we can ice his feet between loops.  Surprisingly that was the only thing that really caused him pain.
 View from my cot at about 1am...I was trying to sleep but it just wasn't happening.  Thanks to Derek who kept me company...he was sleeping on the ground right in front of this shot :-)
 Lou...kick a** pacer #2...took over after Rob and ran 3 loops with Paul until about 3:30am.  Pauly P looks pretty tired here...he is about 17 hours into the run.
 Sunday morning.  One last stretch before heading out for the final loop that will get him to 101 miles in 24 hours.
 Hsin, my Dad and step-Mom came back for the finish.  This is about 20 minutes before Pauly finished.  Hsin was eating (of course, she never stops) and waiting for Daddy to "runny fast".  Her shirt says "when I grow up I want to be a marathoner".
 Playing with Derek our "ultra" friend.  Hsin kept telling him there were bugs on him :-)
 Pauly P approaching the finish with kick a** pacer #3, Stephan.  Stephan ran with Paul from about 4am until 9:30 when they finished!!!
 Getting closer...
 Big grin on Stephan's face...he knows that the finish is feet away and Paul has DONE IT!!!
 Crossing the finish line!!!
 Stephan and Pauly P.  101.4 miles in 23.5 hours.  Un-f*cking believable!!!
 Back off ladies...that stud is MY HUSBAND!!!
Finally sitting down for good!

Love you Pauly P...with all my heart.  You inspire me, support me, and make me want to try harder every single day!!!  You (and that crazy Asian kid) are the light of my life and I couldn't imagine doing ANY of this without the two of you!!!  Hugs and grape drink.


  1. Loved this post!!! I feel like I "know" a celebrity now!!! You really do amaze me, both of you, and keep up the good work - I mean by running marathons :) Awesome !!! Oh, and love the tat!

  2. I'm inspired and amazed! I can only hope that I finish my first 100 with a smile that big! The love and admiration expressed in your blog is really cool. You're both wonderful people and you're supporting each other in an amazing way. Being an ultra runner is tough business sometimes, but supporting an ultra runner though all their crazy sh*t can be equally difficult. Every great ultra runner has a great support network and Paul certainly has that. I'm very proud and impressed with what Paul did and equally impressed with how you guys did it together. I know if I didn't have my own support netwrok, I would stop running these distances forever. Good job to BOTH of you! You guys are are AWESOME!!! Paul is a true inspiration and I would be proud to pace him on his next adventure...if he'll slow down enough for me to keep up!

  3. Seriously...I didn't even know the body was capable of such a feat!! Congratulations Pauly!! And I thought my first 5K was hard!!
