As previously stated on this blog...I am slow as sh*t when it comes to running. What was not previously stated on this blog is that there is a reason I am slow. That reason cannot really be impacted by hard and continuous training, more miles, or speed workouts. It is actually a physical issue I have dealt with since I was a teenager.
What I have not had since I was a teenager though, that I finally got yesterday is a name for this issue. I have Lymphodema Praecox. This is a cronic and congenital condition that I was basically born with, but that didn't present itself until I was a teenager. What that means is that my lymph nodes do not process lymph adequately. Additionally, the channels in which the lymphatic system moves lymph have valves to that do not work either. So my legs, ankles and to some extent my hands swell. Things like heat, humidity and sodium can make it worse. So when I run, my legs feel and are heavier than most people my size, therefore I can't turn them over as quickly and therefore I am really slow. Running with the swelling I get in my legs and ankles is like running with weights around your ankles.
Having a name for the condition is somewhat of a relief even though that seems kind of silly. I read an article by a shrink once that explained that human nature makes us like to "put things in boxes", meaning we like things to have a name, we like to know where things or people are even if we have no intention of using or contacting them. It makes sense. Something with a name is easier to wrap your head around.
The lymphatic system gathers and processes all the waste and garbage so to speak that your body cannot or doesn't need to use. What that means for me is that the more waste, garbage and things my body doesn't need that are put into my body, the more my already failing system has to process. NOT GOOD.
So I am making some big changes in my life.
And although it is going to sound like I am becoming one of those annoying, crunchy, granola, hippie types...that is not it at all (no insult intended toward any crunchy, granola, hippie types that read my blog...I don't dislike you...I just don't have any intention of being anything like you. I like to shave my legs!).
First, I am completely changing my diet. And by completely, I mean completely. I am eliminating all foods that contain artifical colors, flavors or preservatives. My body doesn't need it and they will over tax my lymphatic system. So I am going to only all natural foods.
Second, I am eliminating all animal protein. Not to the vegan level where I wouldn't eat bread because it has trace amounts of egg in it...but I am mostly eliminating animal protein. I will eat fish, tofu and beans as my main sources of protein, and will basically not eat chicken, pork, beef, milk, eggs, etc. Trace amounts in things like bread, cereal, etc I do not have the time nor desire to eliminate. I do have a life you know.
Third, I used to be really good about severely limiting the sodium in my diet and then I got lazy. That has been a huge drain on my system and is one of the worst causes of swelling for me. So I am going back to low and no sodium food.
Fourth, I am seeing a lymphatic drainage massage therapist. It sounded like voodoo, but a vascluar surgeon I saw yesterday confirmed that it really does help. This very specific type of massage procedure stimulates the lymphatic system to work better and helps to channel the lymph to where it needs to go and reduce swelling.
Fifth, I saw a vascular surgeon yesterday. There is no cure for what I have and no surgery to correct it (that was hard to hear...I cried in the car after my appointment). He did however say there is a sleeve I can wear on my legs for 1 hour every night that will help my lymphatic system move things along to where it needs to, which will improve the swelling considerably. He has written the referral to get the process started for insurance to approve this device that I can use at home.
So what this means is that I will now be that annoying person who brings my own food and condiments everywhere I go. This weekend I will put together my kit that I can bring along anywhere with my salad dressing, seasoning, rice milk, all natural sweetener, etc. It will take some getting used to to remember all of this everywhere I go. It will take a lot of planning and organization to ensure I shop ahead, and pack ahead and plan for my entire day. Good thing I am a "boyscout" as Pauly likes to say, and organization is my middle name.
This issue with my legs has haunted me since I was a teenager. I haven't worn shorts or a skirt since I was 16 because of the way my legs look because of the swelling. I run in pants even when it is 100 degrees out. I wear compression socks if I am going to be on my feet for longer than a few hours or I am running. To say that it breaks my heart on a daily basis, shakes my confidence, impacts my everyday with discomfort and my lack of ability to run faster than a 12-13 minute mile is an understatment.
I finally feel like I am taking some steps to take control of this issue I have lived with for over 20 years. I will never have normal legs. I will never be without this issue...but I can improve it with some hard work. If I can help the swelling enough that I would be comfortable to run in shorts...that would be HUGE!!!
So if I come to your house and bring some of my own stuff...please don't be offended. You are a great cook, I swear. If we go out to dinner at a restaurant you love, and I bring my own salad dressing...I am not insulting your choice in dining establishments. If I am going to take control of this, I am throwing everything AND the kitchen sink at it to see what results I can get. Fingers crossed it works even a little bit.
You go girl! :-D