Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Am An F*ing Mess

I'm a mess...what else can I say.  My life has been completely off kilter for like WEEKS!!!  I have serious issues too like when 1 day gets messed up routine wise, I think my entire life is disorganized and I start to freak out.  I never claimed to be normal, or sane, or anything like stop judging me RIGHT NOW!  I'm a f*cking nut job.

4 weeks ago I was out of the office for 3 days and late home for 2 nights because of a Strategic Growth Conference for work.  Awesome experience, very honored to be 1 of only 30 people in my 50,000 person company to be invited, but that week started my crazy weeks from hell.  No running, no Karate, no normal eating...

The following week, my sister, her husband and my niece and nephew came to town.  Again...awesome time, love to see them, but I was out of the office for 2 days that week which just put work a little more in the hole.

Then the next week I had 3 days out of the office due to the Executive Development Program I am in...again...awesome experience, and very honored to be in this program, but it is 1 week out of every month since October and will last until June!  Each of these days included late nights with dinner out as well.  Crappy for my routine and really crappy for my diet.

So far the distractions have been positive ones.

Then came the really lousy little peanut got sick.  REALLY sick.
2 weeks ago on Thursday, Hsin was sent home early from school with a low grade fever and she was really tired.  We kept her home Friday morning because she still had quite a fever.  By about 11am she was complaining that her throat and neck hurt and she was moving her neck really stiffly.  So I made a pediatrician appointment for 2pm that afternoon.  I assumed she had strep throat, we'd get an antibiotic, spend a quiet weekend and be back at school and work by Monday.
The quick strep test came back negative and the doctor was very concerned about the level of pain Hsin's neck seemed to be in.  She sent us to the ER that was attached to her office.
8 hours, blood work, an x-ray. and a cat-scan later (and many threats of a spinal tap...they thought she had menengitis) we finally were diagnosed with an abcsess on her tonsil (oh and days later the actual strep test came back positive as well).

So this was all at about midnight.  The ER we were in does not admit children, so we had to be transported by ambulance to a hospital closer to home that takes kids so she could get fluids and antibiotics via IV.

As Hsin and I are getting settled into bed at the new hospital, and Daddy was on his way from home where he was packing us a bag, the doctor doing rounds that night comes into the room.

He started asking all the normal questions you would expect from a doctor admitting your kid to the hospital:
When is her birthdate?
What has been bothering her?
Does she have any other medical issues?
Is she on any medications?
Was she a full term baby or a preemie?
THEN...he really threw me for a loop with this one...
Did you have any complications during pregnancy or delivery?
SAY WHAT?  I actually in all reality did say "I beg your pardon".

He looked bewildered that I wasn't just answering the question and I looked even MORE bewildered that somehow this guy who had gotten straight A's in HS, Straight A's in some fancy schmancy college and somehow eeked his way through medical school thought that I BIRTHED a HSIN-HUA.

I mean, I get it, Paul wasn't there so she could have an Asian Dad right...but people...if you have seen pictures of Hsin or met her in person...she is not HALF anything.  She is straight up, full strength, not watered down, no added flavors, Chinese/Taiwanese.

Not to mention, that is not what this guy was thinking, he honestly hadn't even looked at Hsin long enough to register that she wasn't a white kid.  When I said she was adopted, he looked all "oh, snap...right...yeah now that I look at her I TOTALLY get it."

It was a GREAT laugh when I told Paul when he finally arrived.  After 11 hours in the hospital with a very sick baby, and thinking she may have menengitis...Big Ups dopey gave us a real ROFLMAO moment...and for that we thank you.

Hsin was a trooper and agreed to drink medication by mouth that honest to God tasted and smelled like battery acid so she could get her IV out and we could go home DAYS earlier than we should have been allowed to.  This medication was so bad it actually made the skin on her lips peel off.  We had to wash her lips and coat them in vaseline to keep them from like falling off.  That would NOT have been a good look.

It has taken up until this past Sunday for Hsin to really start to return to her old funny, and silly self, though she is still VERY tired.  Poor girl though, we found out on Sunday when she woke up with a FIRE ENGINE RED RASH all over he body that she is actually allergic to the battery acid antibiotic and had to be switched.  She is now allergic to that entire family of antibiotics.  But her spirits are back, she is back at school, she is saying rediculous things that make us pee ourselves laughing...she is just covered in a horrid rash, that looks worse that it feels, and we are hoping it clears up by this weekend.

So, this week has been my first week in about a month that feels like life can return to some sort of routine, YET, I have not been running.  My mind says GO and my body says NO.  Terrible, terrible fight.

I feel terrible and I know running will make be feel better...I just need to DO IT!!!
How in the hell do I get over this winter slump and get back into a groove again?  PLEASE...tell me!


  1. i thought Paul was Korean........ wth

  2. Just get out there once and you will get your grove back....think of May when we can go for a run together! So glad Hsin's lips didn't fall off and that she is feeling better :)
