On the 1st day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a lack of any mot-i-va-tion.
On the 2nd day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a pollyanna and pot luck lunch that included pizza, buffalo dip and cookies. Thanks for the fat hips stupid.
On the 3rd day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a damn cookie exchange that included cheese, spinach dip and wine!!! Thanks for the gut fatso.
On the 4th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a complete and utter lack of the ability to get the F*CK up in the morning to run.
On the 5th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a Santa sized sack full of excuses that stink as bad as yesterday's pull up.
On the 6th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a scowling and judging husband that makes "good choices" like eating an apple while I am still eating the cookies from the damn cookie exchange. F the husband and his good damn choices!!!!!
On the 7th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a best friend and running partner that has the same amount of motivation, the same sack of excuses and the same judging husband making "good choices" as me. Seriously husbands...f*ck you and your good choices.
On the 8th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a mess of a house, presents to wrap and random other sh*t to do that prevents me from spending even 30 minutes on the treadmill (pulled that beauty of an excuse straight from the sack).
On the 9th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a severe and near homicidal LOATHING of the treadmill. I HATE you oh vial creature made for mind numbing boredom while exercising in the winter!!!
On the 10th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...at least 2 more parties this season that will include fried food, butter, mayo, cheese and other various HORRID things for my waistline.
On the 11th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...a growing waistline that is making me sad.
On the 12th day of Christmas my SORRY A** ATTITUDE ABOUT RUNNING gave to me...the sorry a** attitude I have about not wanting to run yet wanting to run, not having the time to run and not making the time to run....AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Please Santa...in addition to the dollhouse you are bringing for the Hsin-Hua...could you find in that big red sack of yours a better attitude and some motivation to get back on track with running for me? I've been a pretty good girl this year, for serious.
By the by...who the hell gives a damn partridge and a bunch of other fowl to someone for the holiday.
We would SO not be friends in real life if you gave me that sh*t.
Just saying.
Just pretend you are a bear, with a long winter hibernation! That's my motto......guess I'm not your motivator either!