Tuesday, November 15, 2011

26.2 in 5 days!

I did my last long run before the Philly Marathon last Sunday.  18 miles of chilly temps, and stiff, tired muscles.  Ugh.

I did something horrid to my knee and could hardly walk the last mile (not good), and when I got home Hsin said "you runny fast Mommy?"  When I said "yes", she said "ew, you're sweaty" and refused to kiss my face.  AWESOME!  Thanks Hsin.

Despite the horridly painful knee situation, which I hope doesn't manifest during the marathon itself, I didn't feel that bad.  I haven't run more than 6 miles in over a month, so last weekend's run did wonders for my self esteem and my confidence about the marathon.

My biggest issue right now is motivation.  And its a terrible, downward spiral I have myself caught in right now.  When I don't run for a few days, I swear I feel like a lazy peice of crap, and feel like I gained 10 pounds in 2 days even if the scale says I didn't.  But on the flip side, I have NO moitvation to run.  Its not even that I just want to sit on my lazy a** and do nothing.  I want to do other stuff.  Like work on the house or play with my kid.  But running keeps me sane, and makes me feel good about myself.  That 18 mile run pulled me out of a "I feel fat and terrible" funk that I had been in for a few weeks.  Hence...the cycle I can't break.  I don't run because I don't really want to, but I need to run so I don't lose my f-ing mind!  I am SO motivated in the spring and summer and then fall and winter hit and I screech to a halt!

I need this marathon to be over so I can stop feeling like I HAVE to run, and just run because it makes me feel good and keeps my jeans from splitting down the a** seam.  After the marathon this weekend my only goal is to not get fat over the holidays. 

Listen here cookies, candy, cake, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and everything else that comes along for the holiday celebrations.  Go F yourself.  I don't need to eat you...especially not large amounts of you.  You may taste good and look good and you may have the ability to seduce people into your sweet, wonderfulness...but I can resist.  At least I hope I can!!!

And just in case that doesn't work...I'll sign up for a marathon in spring to kick my a** back into shape in the new year!!!


  1. Have an awesome adventure running the Philly Marathon, Heather. Like Kelly, I will be drafting you. Only, I will be in your head challenging you to go further and to believe in "Yes I Can" to achieve yet another "Victory over Pain" at the finish line!

    I believe I know what a** stands for, so don't make me get off my a** and come over to kick some a** to get your head straight, just two weeks after bypass surgery!

    You will manage the pain, Heather. Besides, that is why they make salt tabs and ibuprofen!
    Works for me!

    After all, you are Heather, the Ultra Woman, who has chosen to set herself apart from those cold and timid souls who will know neither victory nor defeat! Go kick some A** this weekend!
