I have been having a kinda crappy 2 weeks when it comes to running.
Wait...I should probably back up a little and explain why I am starting this blog...
Let's go back to my first trail run ever in October 2010.
The Dark & Dirty...its approximately 6.66 miles (on purpose) through the woods, at night in the mountains of Reading, PA.
I was TERRIFIED at the start line. I mean, on the verge of pooping my pants, vomit in my throat, knees knocking, "WHY THE F DID I SIGN UP FOR THIS RACE" ...TERRIFIED!
So all by myself at the back of the pack (Paul, my husband was running too, but he was at the FRONT of the pack), the gun goes off, and we start off into the woods. I end up behind a girl in orange and black knee socks and stick with her and her friends the whole race because I am so scared of getting lost or being alone. I never know what their faces look like...just the back of their shoes and there butts.
This all sounds fabulous right. Yup...this is a perfect description of "I May Be A Serious Runner..."
Here is the ..."But DAMN Am I Slow" part...
Paul...the husband...finished 33rd overall out of 440 people.
ME...409 out of 440 people.
I appreciate the fact that you are REALLY slow. I know a few runners that say they are slow and they could leave your husband in the dust. At least you aren't lying about being slow. What happens with this blog if you get faster?