A thought crossed my mind during my 20 mile run on Sunday.
It was only for a moment...but it kinda stuck like one of those prickly things that stick to your socks after a trail run.
It's there now...and I can't shake it loose. Its sitting in the back of my mind...poking me once in a while...making me think "should I do it," "can I do it?"
Do what? Well, what if I try to run 30 miles Labor Day weekend at the Labor Pains 12 hour endurance race?
Time the f*ck out for a second!!! Didn't you decide to train this summer for a MARATHON? That's 26.2 miles...not 30 miles. And isn't that marathon in October, NOT Labor Day weekend?
When you are a runner alone...running 2 miles is good, running 3 miles is great, and running 5 miles is super!
When you are a runner with recreational runner friends or family...running 5 miles is good, running 8 miles is great, and running a half marathon is super.
When you are a runner with semi-serious runner friends and family...running 10 miles is good, running 15 miles is great, and running a marathon is super.
So here is the issue...I am married to someone who thinks...running a marathon is good, running a 50 miler is great, and running a 100 miler is super.
These damn Ultra runners that have popped up in my life (you know who you are) over the past year are totally to blame for my "its not long enough" attitude.
You skinny little freaks (yeah Pauly...I'm talking to you) are just that...FREAKS!!! You run for 5 hours just for fun. You run for 24+ hours...just because you can. You lunatics are all whack jobs and ought to be committed.
And now you might be dragging me into the insanity. Thanks for the one way ticket to the crazy house. If I hit the 30 mile mark Labor Day weekend, I fear I may be hooked!!!
(Oh and I got an email from said husband about an hour ago which said, and I quote, "by the way, if you are going balls to the wall at Labor Pains, you have to do 31 miles to make it an official 50K". So...there 's THAT!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What Happens When You Live With An Ultra Runner
Monday, August 22, 2011
20 Miles
As I sit here the morning after my longest run to date...20 miles...I'm feeling something that is sometimes hard for an over achiever, type A to feel. Proud.
I am amazed that I could run 20 miles! I am amazed that I felt good enough afterwards to take Hsin to a kids birthday party, go out to dinner, and even straighten up the house a little.
I can't help but think back to just a little over a year ago. I can clearly remember the night last summer when I ran 5 miles for the first time. Going out for that run I was so nervous. I didn't know if I could do it, but I felt if I did, I'd be a "real" runner. 5 miles felt so official to me then. As I came up the final stretch of that run and approached my house, I saw Pauly sitting out on the front proch. He knew this was a big moment for me. As I came up the driveway and told him I did it, I had tears in my eyes. It was that feeling...Proud!
Now, only 14 months later, a 20 mile run stirs that same amazing feeling.
I'm proud of my accomplishment. I'm proud of where I am. But most of all, I am proud of how far I have come! In just a little more than a year, I have gone from overwieght and barely able to run 3 miles to a healthy weight and running 20 miles!!!
That is pretty freaking awesome if I do say so myself!
(Stay tuned for a post about Pauly's adventures at the Leadville 100 this past weekend! Maybe I can even convince him to be a guest author!)
I am amazed that I could run 20 miles! I am amazed that I felt good enough afterwards to take Hsin to a kids birthday party, go out to dinner, and even straighten up the house a little.
I can't help but think back to just a little over a year ago. I can clearly remember the night last summer when I ran 5 miles for the first time. Going out for that run I was so nervous. I didn't know if I could do it, but I felt if I did, I'd be a "real" runner. 5 miles felt so official to me then. As I came up the final stretch of that run and approached my house, I saw Pauly sitting out on the front proch. He knew this was a big moment for me. As I came up the driveway and told him I did it, I had tears in my eyes. It was that feeling...Proud!
Now, only 14 months later, a 20 mile run stirs that same amazing feeling.
I'm proud of my accomplishment. I'm proud of where I am. But most of all, I am proud of how far I have come! In just a little more than a year, I have gone from overwieght and barely able to run 3 miles to a healthy weight and running 20 miles!!!
That is pretty freaking awesome if I do say so myself!
(Stay tuned for a post about Pauly's adventures at the Leadville 100 this past weekend! Maybe I can even convince him to be a guest author!)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Half Wit Half Marathon
You know you are a Half Wit when:
- you drive to Reading PA
-you stay in the only room the Hampton Inn has, which is Handicap accessible, only has a full sized bed, and the shower floods the bathroom.
-you get up at 6am ON A SUNDAY on purpose
-you get dressed and eat breakfast with one single thought on your mind...I really hope I can potty before we leave
-you show up at a German Beer Club at 7:30am even though you don't plan to drink...yet, anyway
-you hang out for about 2 hours talking with other "Half Wits" like you about all the other "Half Wit" stuff you have done and you are planning to do in the future
-you pee in the woods one last time
-you and your "Half Wit" compadres huddle around listening to some crazed man in a "Pre Reg" shirt telling you what a damn "Half Wit" you are for being there and doing this
-you and about 400 others take off, in the rain, and the fog, into the woods for roughly the next 2-3+ hours (depending on how fast you are)
-You run 13.1 of the hardest miles, for 3+ hours, in the woods, on barely marked trails, mostly uphill, in the pouring rain, slipping and falling in mud, climbing 168 stairs to hell, tripping on rocks, losing toenails....
Because we are HALF WITS...and for some HALF WIT reason, this is our idea of fun!
Pretzel City Sports - Half Wit Half Marathon was a f*cking blast.
- you drive to Reading PA
-you stay in the only room the Hampton Inn has, which is Handicap accessible, only has a full sized bed, and the shower floods the bathroom.
-you get up at 6am ON A SUNDAY on purpose
-you get dressed and eat breakfast with one single thought on your mind...I really hope I can potty before we leave
-you show up at a German Beer Club at 7:30am even though you don't plan to drink...yet, anyway
-you hang out for about 2 hours talking with other "Half Wits" like you about all the other "Half Wit" stuff you have done and you are planning to do in the future
-you pee in the woods one last time
-you and your "Half Wit" compadres huddle around listening to some crazed man in a "Pre Reg" shirt telling you what a damn "Half Wit" you are for being there and doing this
-you and about 400 others take off, in the rain, and the fog, into the woods for roughly the next 2-3+ hours (depending on how fast you are)
-You run 13.1 of the hardest miles, for 3+ hours, in the woods, on barely marked trails, mostly uphill, in the pouring rain, slipping and falling in mud, climbing 168 stairs to hell, tripping on rocks, losing toenails....
Because we are HALF WITS...and for some HALF WIT reason, this is our idea of fun!
Pretzel City Sports - Half Wit Half Marathon was a f*cking blast.
But MAN do my quads, ankles and black toenails hurt today. Thank goodness for days off!!!
Heather, Paul and Rob - The 3 Half Wits!
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
This week has SUCKED!
I have run exactly twice this week. One 4 mile run and one 3 mile run. Oh horray. Way to keep up the marathon training Heath.
-Work has been a big, stupid b*tch this week.
-One of my people quit...she got a kick a** job elsewhere.
--I am doing 2 full time jobs at work because the person who took my old job didn't work out, so I am covering my new job as VP, HR Operations AND the VP of HR for my old business unit. Yeah, that's a pain.
-I gained 2 pounds.
-Hsin's preschool took away the scholorship for the kid of one of my friends there so she may have to leave. That makes me REALLY mad.
-The house is a mess.
-I need to go shopping.
-None of my clothes fit me.
-Pei Ling the kitten keeps sneezing bloody boogers everywhere.
-Hsin also has boogers and has been in a bad mood all week.
And you know what...I picked a bad month to quit wine, meat and cheese (and sniffing glue).
Ok...that was my rant, now I am going to put on my big girl panties and get over it.
Half Wit Half Marathon...here we come. Please kick my ass into a better mood!!!
I have run exactly twice this week. One 4 mile run and one 3 mile run. Oh horray. Way to keep up the marathon training Heath.
-Work has been a big, stupid b*tch this week.
-One of my people quit...she got a kick a** job elsewhere.
--I am doing 2 full time jobs at work because the person who took my old job didn't work out, so I am covering my new job as VP, HR Operations AND the VP of HR for my old business unit. Yeah, that's a pain.
-I gained 2 pounds.
-Hsin's preschool took away the scholorship for the kid of one of my friends there so she may have to leave. That makes me REALLY mad.
-The house is a mess.
-I need to go shopping.
-None of my clothes fit me.
-Pei Ling the kitten keeps sneezing bloody boogers everywhere.
-Hsin also has boogers and has been in a bad mood all week.
And you know what...I picked a bad month to quit wine, meat and cheese (and sniffing glue).
Ok...that was my rant, now I am going to put on my big girl panties and get over it.
Half Wit Half Marathon...here we come. Please kick my ass into a better mood!!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
18 Miles With A Crazy Lady In A Running Skirt
Last week I finished my first 18 mile run. Pauly went with me and ran with "the emergency brake" on so he could run my pace. Here's how it went...from the mind of a crazy lady with thick legs and a sarcastic inner monolouge...
Mile 1 - Wow, I'm really glad it isn't hot and humid today. I am rocking this new "running skirt" thing, and it feels kinda free and lovely with a breeze hitting my legs! I can totally do this.
Mile 2 - Wait, I can't believe I am running in a short running skirt. Do my legs look fat? Ok...wait. Who the f*uck am I kidding? Of course my legs look fat. But you know what, they don't feel hot and sweaty in pants. That is pretty cool, no pun intended.
Mile 3 - Holy crap, we passed the picnic area already? Sh*t that was fast.
Mile 4 - This is actually really fun running with Pauly.
Mile 5 - This is flying by. I feel great. I'm a SUPERSTAR! I can totally run a marathon!
Mile 6-7 - Really, we aren't at the turnaround yet? I'm feeling a little hungry. I think this skirt makes my legs look fat. I'm actually really hungry. I'm kinda sweaty too. How the F are we not at the turnaround yet. I wonder if Paul's Garmin is off?
Mile 8 - Eat a Gu, some pretzel sticks and reapply the BodyGlide to the "healthy" thighs. Can't have chafing issues with like 3 miles to go. CAN'T believe I am in a running skirt. Besides the nagging feeling of self doubt, this feels REALLY comfy.
Mile 9 - Pauly, did the Garmin hit 9 miles yet? No? What about now? How about now? NOW?
Mile 10-11 - Just keep running, just keep running.
Mile 12 - Oh, that came faster than expected. I feel tired, and kinda hungry. Pauly, love ya kid, but I need my music now. Gotta get in a zone.
Mile 13-15 - Holy sh*t I feel good. Second wind!!!!! Eminem on the earphones and I am F-ing FLYING!!! I have GOT this run! Even though I am probably rocking a 12 minute mile right now, I feel like a freakin bolt of lightening. Wicked fast! This must be what "good" runners feel like all the time.
Mile 16 - WTF!!! Where did that second wind go? I would even settle for a freakin breeze right now. Do I need more angry music? Do I need more water, a Gu? NO, you know what I need...for this run to be over already.
Mile 17 - HOLY SH*T how F-ing far apart are these damn mile markers? A BAZILLION miles? I swear to God Paul's Garmin is wrong. If his Garmin makes me take 1 f-ing step more than I have to, Heather is going to have to choke a b*itch. Don't test me Garmin. I"ll set your corporate offices on fire over 2 extra steps without even thinking about it. Ok...that was crazy. Pull it together Heath... but GOOD GOD when will this last mile be over.
Mile 17.25 - Out of water in the backpack. Out of steam. Out of strength. Holy sh*t I want to give up and just walk. Who even gives a sh*t anymore?
Mile 17.5 - Almost in tears. Don't cry. Only wimps cry. My back feels like there is an axe in it. This last half mile might as well be a marathon.
Mile 17.75 - Best, get angry, loud, pounding song on the earphones and just get this f*ucker done. Don't think, don't cry, DON'T STOP!
Mile 18 - Drunk, stumbling legs...oh my GOD, am I going to fall? WAIT...I'M DONE!!!
Holy sh*t that was hard. As you can see, I felt pretty good for about 15 miles, and really flipping lousy for the last 3. Its progress though and I am really proud of myself. Less than 2 years ago, I couldn't run 2 miles. Now I can run 18 uninterrupted miles. Holy sh*t. If I do say so myself, that is pretty freaking amazing. *NOTE...if you can't run, haven't run, don't run or don't think you can...look at what I just said. You CAN do it. You have to start slow, but if I can do it, so can you.
Looking forward to an easy mileage week this week.
NOT so much looking forward to the NOT so easy Half Wit Half Marathon this weekend. Word on the street is you have to be a HALF WIT to do it.
This Half Wit is shaking in her boots. At least the Half Wit husband is coming along for the insanity.
Mile 1 - Wow, I'm really glad it isn't hot and humid today. I am rocking this new "running skirt" thing, and it feels kinda free and lovely with a breeze hitting my legs! I can totally do this.
Mile 2 - Wait, I can't believe I am running in a short running skirt. Do my legs look fat? Ok...wait. Who the f*uck am I kidding? Of course my legs look fat. But you know what, they don't feel hot and sweaty in pants. That is pretty cool, no pun intended.
Mile 3 - Holy crap, we passed the picnic area already? Sh*t that was fast.
Mile 4 - This is actually really fun running with Pauly.
Mile 5 - This is flying by. I feel great. I'm a SUPERSTAR! I can totally run a marathon!
Mile 6-7 - Really, we aren't at the turnaround yet? I'm feeling a little hungry. I think this skirt makes my legs look fat. I'm actually really hungry. I'm kinda sweaty too. How the F are we not at the turnaround yet. I wonder if Paul's Garmin is off?
Mile 8 - Eat a Gu, some pretzel sticks and reapply the BodyGlide to the "healthy" thighs. Can't have chafing issues with like 3 miles to go. CAN'T believe I am in a running skirt. Besides the nagging feeling of self doubt, this feels REALLY comfy.
Mile 9 - Pauly, did the Garmin hit 9 miles yet? No? What about now? How about now? NOW?
Mile 10-11 - Just keep running, just keep running.
Mile 12 - Oh, that came faster than expected. I feel tired, and kinda hungry. Pauly, love ya kid, but I need my music now. Gotta get in a zone.
Mile 13-15 - Holy sh*t I feel good. Second wind!!!!! Eminem on the earphones and I am F-ing FLYING!!! I have GOT this run! Even though I am probably rocking a 12 minute mile right now, I feel like a freakin bolt of lightening. Wicked fast! This must be what "good" runners feel like all the time.
Mile 16 - WTF!!! Where did that second wind go? I would even settle for a freakin breeze right now. Do I need more angry music? Do I need more water, a Gu? NO, you know what I need...for this run to be over already.
Mile 17 - HOLY SH*T how F-ing far apart are these damn mile markers? A BAZILLION miles? I swear to God Paul's Garmin is wrong. If his Garmin makes me take 1 f-ing step more than I have to, Heather is going to have to choke a b*itch. Don't test me Garmin. I"ll set your corporate offices on fire over 2 extra steps without even thinking about it. Ok...that was crazy. Pull it together Heath... but GOOD GOD when will this last mile be over.
Mile 17.25 - Out of water in the backpack. Out of steam. Out of strength. Holy sh*t I want to give up and just walk. Who even gives a sh*t anymore?
Mile 17.5 - Almost in tears. Don't cry. Only wimps cry. My back feels like there is an axe in it. This last half mile might as well be a marathon.
Mile 17.75 - Best, get angry, loud, pounding song on the earphones and just get this f*ucker done. Don't think, don't cry, DON'T STOP!
Mile 18 - Drunk, stumbling legs...oh my GOD, am I going to fall? WAIT...I'M DONE!!!
Holy sh*t that was hard. As you can see, I felt pretty good for about 15 miles, and really flipping lousy for the last 3. Its progress though and I am really proud of myself. Less than 2 years ago, I couldn't run 2 miles. Now I can run 18 uninterrupted miles. Holy sh*t. If I do say so myself, that is pretty freaking amazing. *NOTE...if you can't run, haven't run, don't run or don't think you can...look at what I just said. You CAN do it. You have to start slow, but if I can do it, so can you.
Looking forward to an easy mileage week this week.
NOT so much looking forward to the NOT so easy Half Wit Half Marathon this weekend. Word on the street is you have to be a HALF WIT to do it.
This Half Wit is shaking in her boots. At least the Half Wit husband is coming along for the insanity.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Who Wears Short Shorts?
Remember that stupid commercial for Nair back in the 90's? Who wears short shorts...we wear short shorts...if you dare wear short shorts...Nair's for SHORT SHORTS!!! Hot chicks with long, lanky and oh so smooth legs, prancing all over the beach in their short shorts...AAHHH the 90's! They don't make quality commercials the way they used to.
Ok...enough flashback to the 90's.
So I explained a few posts back my issues with my legs...and the fact that I haven't worn shorts since high school (and high school was ABOUT 20 years ago).
Well, with loving pushes from both my sweet husband and my kick ass running buddy and BFF Nikki...I ran in a running skirt last night!!!
To all of you with normal legs who have been wearing shorts your whole life with no issues will totally not understand this...but it was SO emotional and SO hard. I cried a little (ok maybe a lot). My nerves were all over the place...but I did it.
Pauly said that my legs are not the "ax wound" I make them out to be. Then he told me exactly what I needed to hear. He said if he didn't know me and he saw me running or at a race, he probably wouldn't even notice. PERFECT! I would like to just blend...its why I don't wear flashy shirts that say "Run or Die" like Paul's skinny a** does. He likes the flash and attention :-) Me, not so much.
Nikki told me during the run that every car that drove by was chcking me out 'cause I looked THAT hot! We also discussed the merit to me going for the slutty school girl look. I need to find a plaid running skirt, and white compression knee socks...then rock it out in that and a sports bra (my upper body is pretty good) and that will TOTALLY distract everyone from looking at my legs. GREAT plan Nikki. I have a little shopping to do later today for my new "Brittany Spears, Bad Girl" runner look.
And let me tell you people...HOLY SH*T did it feel good to not have hot, sweaty pants on my legs while running. I felt lighter, free, and cool. A nice breeze headed up your tush while your sweating is LOVELY! Never felt that before :-)
Pauly - thanks for being my biggest fan and my biggest supporter. You sent me links to like 10 places with cool running skirts this morning. You told me I looked cute when I felt like crap, and I know you meant it. I know you understand how I feel better than anyone. I love you so much it makes my heart hurt! Thanks for helping me take this really hard step.
Nikki - holy sh*t girl am I glad we became friends. I can't think of anyone else, other than Paul that I would have felt comfortable enough to take this step with. You were supportive enough and made fun of me enough to make the whole experience less painful than I made it out to be in my head. You are a great running partner, and a great friend!!!
Rest of the world - do me a favor...if you see me out there, at a race, or wherever...just don't look at my legs on purpose. I'm wearing shorts in the heat, so lets just let it go. Let's just pretend it isn't a big deal, and lets just RUN!
(Don't lie...some of you were hoping I would post pics!!! Get a grip on reality people...its a big enough step to WEAR the damn shorts...I'm not making a public display of it. Just sayin!)
Ok...enough flashback to the 90's.
So I explained a few posts back my issues with my legs...and the fact that I haven't worn shorts since high school (and high school was ABOUT 20 years ago).
Well, with loving pushes from both my sweet husband and my kick ass running buddy and BFF Nikki...I ran in a running skirt last night!!!
To all of you with normal legs who have been wearing shorts your whole life with no issues will totally not understand this...but it was SO emotional and SO hard. I cried a little (ok maybe a lot). My nerves were all over the place...but I did it.
Pauly said that my legs are not the "ax wound" I make them out to be. Then he told me exactly what I needed to hear. He said if he didn't know me and he saw me running or at a race, he probably wouldn't even notice. PERFECT! I would like to just blend...its why I don't wear flashy shirts that say "Run or Die" like Paul's skinny a** does. He likes the flash and attention :-) Me, not so much.
Nikki told me during the run that every car that drove by was chcking me out 'cause I looked THAT hot! We also discussed the merit to me going for the slutty school girl look. I need to find a plaid running skirt, and white compression knee socks...then rock it out in that and a sports bra (my upper body is pretty good) and that will TOTALLY distract everyone from looking at my legs. GREAT plan Nikki. I have a little shopping to do later today for my new "Brittany Spears, Bad Girl" runner look.
And let me tell you people...HOLY SH*T did it feel good to not have hot, sweaty pants on my legs while running. I felt lighter, free, and cool. A nice breeze headed up your tush while your sweating is LOVELY! Never felt that before :-)
Pauly - thanks for being my biggest fan and my biggest supporter. You sent me links to like 10 places with cool running skirts this morning. You told me I looked cute when I felt like crap, and I know you meant it. I know you understand how I feel better than anyone. I love you so much it makes my heart hurt! Thanks for helping me take this really hard step.
Nikki - holy sh*t girl am I glad we became friends. I can't think of anyone else, other than Paul that I would have felt comfortable enough to take this step with. You were supportive enough and made fun of me enough to make the whole experience less painful than I made it out to be in my head. You are a great running partner, and a great friend!!!
Rest of the world - do me a favor...if you see me out there, at a race, or wherever...just don't look at my legs on purpose. I'm wearing shorts in the heat, so lets just let it go. Let's just pretend it isn't a big deal, and lets just RUN!
(Don't lie...some of you were hoping I would post pics!!! Get a grip on reality people...its a big enough step to WEAR the damn shorts...I'm not making a public display of it. Just sayin!)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Why I Run
Especially compared to the competitive folks out there who run for PR's and to win bling at races...one might ask a gal like me...why do you run? You are slow, you find it hard because of some health stuff...so why the hell would you do it?
Here is why I run...
Why do you run?
Here is why I run...
- it makes me skinnier
- running makes me feel strong
- because the feeling of being covered in sweat is the feeling of accompishment
- when I am struggling like I did on that 15 mile run this weekend...but I finish it anyway...that is MINE!
- running makes me feel good about myself in a way that a kick a** dress or new pair of shoes never could
- hanging out with Nikki for a 30-40 minute run, 3-4 days a week, shooting the sh*t, b*tching about our jobs, our kids, our cleaning ladies, or whatever...is priceless
- running makes me a better Mom for so many reasons.
- I'm a role model for Hsin becaues I run.
- I have more patience when I run.
- I am happier because I run.
- I have a better body image because I run.
- I want to inspire Hsin to run.
- running has brought into our lives so many wonderful new people and friends.
- Runners are some of the coolest, nicest and most generous people I have ever met
- getting a medal is just freaking awesome
- I know that heart disease and obesity run in my family, and I want no parts of either
- I love the feeling of knowing that another woman or Mom started running because she saw that I found the time and energy to do it
- I feel proud that even after a long day at a very demanding job, running errands, picking up a kid, making dinner, straightening up the house, dealing with the 3 cats and 2 fish, and giving attention to my husband...I still find the time to go out for a run.
- going for a run is choosing ME above all other things for at least 30-40 minutes. As a wife, employee, mom, friend, housekeeper, pet tamer, and all around super woman...when else do I get to exclusively pick me?
- running has given my husband and best friend in life and I a shared hobby, a shared interest, and something for us to inspire and support each other in. Running has made us both so proud of each other for our individual achievements, even if those achievements are on VERY different levels!
- running gives me strength, confidence, self esteem, sanity, peace, an outlet and friends.
Why do you run?
Monday, August 1, 2011
Is Heather Going To Have To Choke A B*tch?
Well, I did it. I finally ran my long run of 15 miles. I finally broke the barrier of the half marathon distance and ran 15 miles! Thank goodness that is over.
It goes down in the books though as my crappiest run ever. It wasn't the distance. I mean lets be real, it is only 2 miles longer than a half, which would explain if I felt like crap for the last 2 miles. But I felt like crap for the whole damn thing. Just wasn't my day. Who cares when it isn't your day and you drag your a** through a 3 mile junk run. It SO totally sucks though when it isn't your day on your long run day...and for me my LONGEST run day. UGH!
Thankfully I had company with Nikki for the first 8. Then I went back out for a second loop of 7 miles. It was supposed to be another 8 to make the total 16, but I was feeling so shi*tty I cut it to 15. The point was to break the half marathon barrier anyway, and 15 did that. Humidity was kicking my a** and I was out of breathe more than ususal. I needed more walk breaks than I have needed since I was a beginner...it really did suck. But I did it.
So then I had the moment where I had to use what little physical and mental strength I had left not to choke a b*tch.
As I finished my run I passed this couple walking their dog. They were a typical couple, looked like in their mid 40's, slightly out of shape, just shuffling along slowly with their Bassett Hound. Lot of people walk their dogs at this park. When I stopped running, I sat down and actually called Pauly. I was emotional. It was my longest run and an accomplishment, and I felt like sh*t and was hurting pretty bad. So I was on the phone with Pauly, and happened to say to him RIGHT as these people passed, "Holy sh*t...I ran 15 miles". I know they heard me because the guy's head kinda whipped around and looked at me. In the running world 15 miles may not be huge, but to the average joe...it kinda is. So anyway...he heard me.
At the park where we do our long runs there is a lady at the head of the driveway that has a hotdog cart. When I was done with my run, all I wanted in LIFE was a screaming cold bottle of water. If you had offered me $1000 or a cold bottle of water at that moment, I would have taken the water without hesitation.
So I walked to my car to grab some cash, and headed over to the hotdog cart. The people with the Bassett Hound arrived at the cart at exactly the same moment as me. Now, normal human etiquette would say that a casual, slow walker would say to the chick they know just ran 15 miles "hey...why don't you go first", right? Oh no...not these a**holes. They launch into a chatty order of "oh, can we get a hotdog for our dog, and can you cut it up for him so it isn't too hot", followed by "and can I get a hotdog with spicy mustard, and onions, and relish and kraut", followed by "and can my wife have a hotdog too with everything on it" and finally "what do you have to drink"? HOLY SH*T people. Do you not see me and my quickly cramping legs bouncing up and down, sweating like a criminal in a line up, and look like death? Did you NOT just hear me say that I ran 15 miles? HOLY SH*T...let me get a F*CKING bottle of water.
I swear, had the hotdog lady herself not been standing pretty much between me and Mr. Dumpy dog guy and his flipping wife...I would have CHOKED both of them. I would have spared the dog. Its not his fault his parents are a**holes.
In other news, I got all my stuff organized and shopped for this weekend to make the new diet easier. After one week on the new plan, I can actually feel a difference in my swelling. In the humidity we have had around these parts this week, I should be painfully uncomfortable and swollen, and, I am not. I want to give it 90 full days before I really assess it, but I am feeling hopeful that all the hassle and planning will be worth it. I have 2 sessions with the lymphatic drainage massage this week too.
Also, I am down another 3 pounds as of this weekend. I think the new diet will help with that as well. I am now only 6 pounds away from my conservative goal, and I am about 2 months ahead of schedule. I think my stretch goal which is 11 pounds away is actually quite achieveable!!!
It goes down in the books though as my crappiest run ever. It wasn't the distance. I mean lets be real, it is only 2 miles longer than a half, which would explain if I felt like crap for the last 2 miles. But I felt like crap for the whole damn thing. Just wasn't my day. Who cares when it isn't your day and you drag your a** through a 3 mile junk run. It SO totally sucks though when it isn't your day on your long run day...and for me my LONGEST run day. UGH!
Thankfully I had company with Nikki for the first 8. Then I went back out for a second loop of 7 miles. It was supposed to be another 8 to make the total 16, but I was feeling so shi*tty I cut it to 15. The point was to break the half marathon barrier anyway, and 15 did that. Humidity was kicking my a** and I was out of breathe more than ususal. I needed more walk breaks than I have needed since I was a beginner...it really did suck. But I did it.
So then I had the moment where I had to use what little physical and mental strength I had left not to choke a b*tch.
As I finished my run I passed this couple walking their dog. They were a typical couple, looked like in their mid 40's, slightly out of shape, just shuffling along slowly with their Bassett Hound. Lot of people walk their dogs at this park. When I stopped running, I sat down and actually called Pauly. I was emotional. It was my longest run and an accomplishment, and I felt like sh*t and was hurting pretty bad. So I was on the phone with Pauly, and happened to say to him RIGHT as these people passed, "Holy sh*t...I ran 15 miles". I know they heard me because the guy's head kinda whipped around and looked at me. In the running world 15 miles may not be huge, but to the average joe...it kinda is. So anyway...he heard me.
At the park where we do our long runs there is a lady at the head of the driveway that has a hotdog cart. When I was done with my run, all I wanted in LIFE was a screaming cold bottle of water. If you had offered me $1000 or a cold bottle of water at that moment, I would have taken the water without hesitation.
So I walked to my car to grab some cash, and headed over to the hotdog cart. The people with the Bassett Hound arrived at the cart at exactly the same moment as me. Now, normal human etiquette would say that a casual, slow walker would say to the chick they know just ran 15 miles "hey...why don't you go first", right? Oh no...not these a**holes. They launch into a chatty order of "oh, can we get a hotdog for our dog, and can you cut it up for him so it isn't too hot", followed by "and can I get a hotdog with spicy mustard, and onions, and relish and kraut", followed by "and can my wife have a hotdog too with everything on it" and finally "what do you have to drink"? HOLY SH*T people. Do you not see me and my quickly cramping legs bouncing up and down, sweating like a criminal in a line up, and look like death? Did you NOT just hear me say that I ran 15 miles? HOLY SH*T...let me get a F*CKING bottle of water.
I swear, had the hotdog lady herself not been standing pretty much between me and Mr. Dumpy dog guy and his flipping wife...I would have CHOKED both of them. I would have spared the dog. Its not his fault his parents are a**holes.
In other news, I got all my stuff organized and shopped for this weekend to make the new diet easier. After one week on the new plan, I can actually feel a difference in my swelling. In the humidity we have had around these parts this week, I should be painfully uncomfortable and swollen, and, I am not. I want to give it 90 full days before I really assess it, but I am feeling hopeful that all the hassle and planning will be worth it. I have 2 sessions with the lymphatic drainage massage this week too.
Also, I am down another 3 pounds as of this weekend. I think the new diet will help with that as well. I am now only 6 pounds away from my conservative goal, and I am about 2 months ahead of schedule. I think my stretch goal which is 11 pounds away is actually quite achieveable!!!
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